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Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, feedback, or need guidance on your language learning path, Sovitchka is here to help. Fill out the form below, and she’ll be in touch to assist you with your language journey.
Мы будем рады услышать от вас! Если у вас есть вопросы, отзывы или вам нужна помощь в изучении языка, Совичка здесь, чтобы помочь. Заполните форму ниже, и она свяжется с вами, чтобы помочь вам в вашем языковом путешествии.
Ще се радваме да чуем от вас! Независимо дали имате въпроси, обратна връзка или се нуждаете от насоки по пътя на езиковото обучение, Совичка е тук, за да помогне. Попълнете формата по-долу, и тя ще се свърже с вас, за да ви помогне в езиковото ви пътешествие.


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General Questions


How can I use the Memory Card Games?
Our Memory Card Games are simple and fun to use. Just select a game from our collection, and you’ll be presented with a set of cards face down. Click on a card to flip it over, and try to find its matching pair by remembering the location of each card. These games are designed to improve memory and help you learn new vocabulary in a fun way.
What languages do the games support?
Currently, our games are focused on teaching French, with support for phonetic understanding in Russian. We aim to expand our offerings to include more languages in the future, based on user interest and feedback.
Are these games suitable for all age groups?
Yes, our Memory Card Games are designed to be accessible and enjoyable for various age groups, especially for children starting from age 6. However, even adults can find these games helpful and entertaining for language learning.
Do I need to create an account to play the games?
There’s no need for an account to enjoy our games. You can play any of our Memory Card Games directly on our website without registration. We use cookies to enhance your experience, which may remember your interactions with the games during your visit, but no personal progress tracking is involved.
Is there a cost associated with playing the games?
Our Memory Card Games are currently free to play. We believe in providing accessible language learning tools for everyone. If you enjoy our games and wish to support us, consider making a donation.
Can I use these games as a part of my language curriculum?
Absolutely! Our games are an excellent supplemental tool for language learning. They can be used alongside traditional learning methods to enhance vocabulary retention and make learning more engaging.
How often is new content added to the platform?
We are dedicated to regularly adding new content to our platform, which includes not only Memory Card Games but also engaging long videos and short clips on social media. While there is no fixed schedule for new releases, we strive to keep the content fresh and exciting. Stay updated by following us on social media and checking our website for the latest additions.